Be sure to check back frequently, as new scholarships will be released and posted regularly. This is a valuable opportunity that you won’t want to miss! Applying for scholarships can significantly ease the financial burden of your education, so stay informed about the latest options available.
Whether you’re looking for merit-based, need-based, or specific interest scholarships, keeping an eye on these updates will help you take advantage of all the resources out there.
American Legion
Awards: One $1,000 scholarship
-Must be a graduating senior
-Not based on grades
Bugbee Memorial Scholarship
Awards: 4-5 awards of $4,000-5,000 available
-Must be a graduating senior from Ripon Christian
-Must attend a 4-year college/university after graduation
-Must have a 2.5 gpa
-Scholarships available for students majoring in Agriculture, Education or Fine Arts as well as at large majors.
-Application and essays required
Deadline: February 9, 2024
Manteca Children’s Foundation
Up to twenty scholarships may be granted in the amount of $1,000. A portion of these scholarships will be given to students going to 4-year or Trade Schools.
-Must be a graduating senior
- Residence (verified on school transcript) must be in one of the following zip codes: 95336, 95337, 95206, 95231 or 95330